The Systemic Deep Tissue Therapy® (SDTT) is an effective system of musculo-skeletal therapy originated and developed by Armand Ayaltin DNM, RHP, (registered owner of the Trade Mark and design/logo of SDTT® and the common law trade-mark SDTT, their use without the written consent of the owner, constitutes an infringement of the Trade Mark Act and is a serious offense.) over a period of twenty five years and still progressively under development. Fact-finding and problem solving are some of the unique features of SDTT®.
New perceptions giving rise to innovative additions to SDTT, are taught at the monthly mentorship workshops.
These benefits are quite significant. Because of its own practical assessment system, in the majority of cases, a clear road map for therapy procedures is outlined to the Practitioner. Not forgetting that delivering any type of manual therapy is taxing to the body of the Practitioner, it would be unreasonable to assume that there may be a full-proof therapy system that has solved the problem of wear and tear on the joints of the Practitioner. Nevertheless, the originator of SDTT® has developed unique hand and body postures that minimize stress on the Practitioner’s own body
The conscientious therapist will strive to make optimal use of its principles, designed to unravel the puzzle of muscle related structural pain and discomfort. Natural therapies which work for and with the body are dynamic processes that support and enhance the body’s own efforts of healing itself. Consequently, they have to be adaptable and responsive to the ever changing characteristics of a malfunctioning (diseased) physical structure. What this means is that, done properly, SDTT can potentially keep up to date with the patient’s progress and tailor the treatment accordingly.
Muscles are supposed to contract in order to perform a task at any given time. Upon completion of that tasks they are supposed to relax. In as much as this procedure can be repeated indefinitely, without any or much problem, a muscle can be said to be fit. In real life muscles are often driven hard to do repetitive jobs which tax their reserves to the limit. That’s where they lose their fitness to do what they are supposed to do-which is contract and relax. We end up with muscles which are at different stages of constant contraction, fibrous and scarred. But help is at hand. Fortunately for us, massage was invented centuries ago just for the muscles and the whole human structure.
In its approach to chronic or acute pain and tension, the entire pattern of musculoskeletal involvement is assessed and treatment strategies formulated. The commonality of SDTT with other types of physical therapy lies only probably, in its manual delivery of the treatment. Everything else is based on principles of “systemic” structural deviations with all of the three dimensional implications that are inherent in such patterns. Key compensation sites of the body, believed to condition and underlie the patient’s symptoms, are determined and addressed each session.
Refers to the ability of the different techniques to access the level of dysfunctional muscle tissue. Deep must not be confused with high pressure.
From a natural medicine perspective must not be intrusive, or “imposing” of a predetermined solution. Natural therapy prods the body/being into finding its own solution to its health problem. Natural Therapeutics subscribes to the vitalistic principle of life, meaning, biological systems are equipped with a life-sustaining and self-healing vital energy. Simply put, according to this view, disease is regarded as an obstruction in the process or pathway of efficient physiologic function. Vital energy can deal with ordinary, non-life threatening disruptions in health. In more serious conditions, Natural Therapies offer different means of obstacle removal from the path of the vital energy for it to circulate freely, in order to accomplish its mission of self-healing. The purpose of natural therapy therefore, is to facilitate the triggering of the healing reflexes of the patient’s body.