
Excellent course very useful hands-on work. Armand has loads of knowledge and it¦s great that he passes it on. This will save my body for years to come and allow me to work until I choose to stop.

Julia Winter, RMT.


SDTT appeals to my instincts as an RMT. The intro level was taught with such an excitement of the soul (by Armand, Graham and Jan) that I can hardly wait to meet other SDTT students, practitioners in the next levels. The supportive community of SDTT is heart warming.

Larissa Whitby, RMT.


Thank you so much for this amazing workshop. It will change my life! I am very excited to start practicing as soon as possible.

Wendy Myhre, RMT.



Great content! I am impressed with the material. Great instructor!

Lindsey Thomas, RMT



About 3 years ago, I completed other acclaimed SDTT courses which seemed like great and innovative courses at the time; however, questions arose that were left unanswered and a certain something was missing which I couldn’t quite place my finger on. It wasn’t until I took the SDTT course with inventor and originator Armand Ayaltin, that questions were answered and missing gaps were filled. Armand’s course is an amazing opportunity to gain total confidence as a therapist while profoundly minimizing the effects of occupational stress. It was with Armand’s course that I experienced the realization of a complete therapy and continue to use it exclusively in my practice while enjoying total patient satisfaction and no effects of occupational strain. Thank you Armand for giving me such a valuable tool and for refining my skills that have impacted and shaped my career in a positive way.

Bobby Crudo, RMT



Excellent knowledge of Armand/Jan/Graham, good sense of humor as well. Lots of attention and guidance. I felt very looked after.

Katherine Donavan, RMT



Very good common sense approach to the body (for patient and therapist). Excellent presentation from Armand, it was useful to know the history. The instructors were helpful and dedicated. There will be more complete healing for the world with this approach. Finally I can use my body in a way which will preserve my health and energy. Thank goodness there is a way to read the body and respond to its core needs.




I am very happy with the quality of instruction. Armand is a very knowledgeable man and competently and patiently demonstrated this throughout the weekend. I look forward to learning more about SDTT.

Alexander Torsky, RMT



Great coverage of biomechanics and application. Instructors work well together and create a fluid environment for learning. Format nice pace and not overwhelming technical material. I like these instructors, cool guys.

Joshua Lloyd, RMT 



I have found that as a therapist, SDTT guides you in treating the most difficult of cases with confidence and efficiency.  Armand has a deep understanding of how the body works, and how to treat it with a high degree of effectiveness. He conveys this knowledge in such a way that things “just make sense”.  SDTT is the accelerated program for gaining therapeutic skills.  It is highly reccomended to therapists wishing to provide their clients with long term results.

Heiko Blasig, RMT



With 16 years of massage therapy experience I was still expecting to learn something new- those expectations were exceedingly met. The assessment approach alone was enough of a refreshing perspective- with the addition of completely new hands on techniques, this course was thoroughly worth my time and would recommend it to any seasoned therapist.

“Excellent course, nothing but praise for these innovative and effective techniques that match a thoroughly progressive treatment philosophy, this is truly Massage THERAPY!”
Brad Dow RMT. Oct. 16th, 2011.


Patients Testimonials

Personal experience with Systemic Deep Tissue Therapy during session performed by Armand Ayaltin RMT in May of 2012 (Unsolicited)

Background: I am an active 52 year old male who experienced a fall while cycling. As a result: – Chronic back pain including mid back, neck and S.I. joint – Acute numbness in both hands and symptoms similar to Thoracic Outflow Syndrome and subsequent difficulty sleeping 6+ months – Unable to sit for even short periods of time, subsequent difficulty performing work functions. – Driving to and from work was virtually impossible. – Considerable weight gain as I was unable to exercise – Deteriorating quality of life

Intervention History Prior to S.D.T. treatment

Twice weekly visits to chiropractor (3 different) for 6 months Weekly visits to R.M.T. for 3 months 5 visits to Physiotherapist, one Intramuscular Stimulation session. 10+ visits to G.P. for cortisone injection in shoulder Maximum dose of analgesics and anti inflammatory medicine daily for 6+ months

Session with Armand Ayaltin and Results

During initial consult Armand felt the origin of the problems was a compressed S.I. joint. During the treatment portion of the visit I experienced painful discomfort sometimes nearing my tolerance limit. The next 24 hours fairly extensive bruising was evident in the areas of treatment. Within 36 hours my symptoms had, somewhat incredibly, virtually disappeared. This has remained the case for over 3 months. As someone close to the medical community (wife is Athletic Therapist, I have a Degree in Physical Education, worked in operation rooms for 15 years) I consider myself both educated on treatment regimes and skeptical of panacea treatments. Therefore I am absolutely certain the one treatment I had with Armand Ayaltin has changed my life more than anything I had previously experienced. Thank you comes nowhere near close to expressing my gratitude.
Aug 2012 D. H. Delta B.C.

Below are a few additions to the Therapists’ testimonials; “This course has far exceeded my expectations! I was able to see and feel first hand that the theory being taught actually works!… Extremely valuable course, Armand teaches the concepts clearly and what is learned can immediately be integrated into clinical practice. I am grateful that you continue to teach! I highly recommend this course.”
M.F. RMT Victoria, B.C. March 2012

*Instructors- excellent!. Very useful- amazing how all-encompassing (holistic) this therapy can be. Great to learn new approach after 30 years. Refreshing, simple and thorough!”
B.E. RMT B.C. Oct. 2012

“Best well presented & thorough course. Life changing & extended my career by 30 years. Instructors always had useful and complete answer. So simple yet so complete and thorough. Thank you so much.”
Sunelle Baker. RMT Fort St. John, B.C. October 2012